by Renee Meininger | Aug 29, 2019 | bedrooms, decorating, Home Improvement
Aah… the bedroom of your dreams. Will it include fuzzy pillows or homespun quilts? Perhaps it’s covered wall to wall in plush rugs. Or maybe it’s a clutter-free, serene space. Rest assured, this quiz will help you discover your style. What’s...
by Kerrie Kelly, FASID | Aug 22, 2019 | decorating, Home Improvement, Home offices, Home Organization
When was the last time your home workspace or study station inspired you? For most people, the answer is, “Not recently.” Whether you’re prepping an area for your work-from-home days or setting up a spot for young scholars to study , you can kick...
by Tim Layton | Jul 13, 2019 | curb appeal, DIY, Home Improvement
A DIY driveway can be an easy want to add parking or improve the look of your home. Here are three relatively simple options. 1. Carve out a parking pad The easiest, most affordable way to get an extra parking space is to clear out some grass and throw down mulch. It...
by Karie Fay | Jul 12, 2019 | DIY, Home Improvement, home maintenance
Beyond the variety of styles, colors, textures and shapes available, pavers – often called paving stones – have distinct advantages over other driveway surfaces. Why choose concrete pavers for your driveway? Among other benefits, a concrete paver driveway...
by Tim Layton | Jul 10, 2019 | Home Improvement, remodeling
What’s not to love about a split-level home? The interior spaces flow. And while the change in floor level creates a partial separation of spaces, they are visually connected from one level to the next. Split-levels are cool – on the inside. The outside is...
by Karie Fay | Jul 10, 2019 | DIY, Home Improvement, home maintenance
Insulation isn’t free, but as the old saying goes, sometimes you have to spend some to make some. When it comes to adding duct insulation, your monthly savings in utility bills will soon cover the costs, especially if you install the insulation yourself. The...
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